Organization of Conferences

2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1997


Organizer of the GAP-Doktorandenworkshop Mathematische Philosophie 2019 at LMU Munich (with Hannes Leitgeb and others) (October 2019).

Organizer of the Third Workshop on Decision Theory & the Future of Artificial Intelligence at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia (with Alan Hajek, Seth Lazar, Yang Liu, Huw Price) (August 2019)

Organizer of the 12th MuST (Munich-Sydney-Turin) Conference in Philosophy of Science and the Third Workshop “Perspectives on Scientific Error” on Statistical Reasoning and Scientific Error at LMU Munich (with Mark Colyvan, Paul Griffiths, Barbara OsimaniJan Sprenger and others) (June 2019)

Organizer of the conference Biases in Science at LMU Munich (with Lorenzo Casini, Dunja Seselja and Marcel Weber) (April 2019)


Organizer of the 2nd International Rationality Summer Institute at Kloster Irsee, Germany (with Jean Baccelli and Reuben Stern) (September 2018)

Organizer of The Second Workshop on Decision Theory & the Future of Artificial Intelligence at LMU Munich (with Yang Liu, Huw Price and Reuben Stern) (July 2018)

Organizer of the conference MuST11: Models of Explanation at the University of Turin, Italy (with Mark Colyvan, Vincenzo Crupi, Paul Griffiths, and Jan Sprenger) (June 2018)

Organizer of the workshop Explanatory Power at the University of Geneva, Italy (with Lorenzo Casini, Reuben Stern and Marcel Weber) (June 2018)

Organizer of the UAH-MCMP Workshop Multiple Realizability, Causation and Reductive Explanations in Science, Valparaiso, Chile (with Patricia Palacios and Francisco Pereira) (March 2018)

Organizer of the workshop Explanation and Reduction in the Sciences (= The Third Jerusalem-MCMP Workshop in the Philosophy of Science) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel (with Alexander Reutlinger and Orly Shenker) (February 2018)


Organizer of the 9th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP9) at LMU Munich (September 2017)

Organizer of The First Workshop on Decision Theory & the Future of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Cambridge, UK (with Yang Liu and Huw Price) (July 2017)

Organizer of the conference Reasoning and Argumentation in Science at LMU Munich (with Ben Eva and Karolina Krzyzanowska) (May 2017)

Organizer of the conference MuST10: Causation and Complexity at the University of Sydney, Australia (with Mark ColyvanPaul GriffithsMikhail Prokopenko, and Jan Sprenger) (March 2017)

Organizer of the workshop Explanatory Reasoning in the Sciences (= The Second Jerusalem-MCMP Workshop in the Philosophy of Science) (with Orly Shenker and Alexander Reutlinger) (February 2017)

Organizer of the workshop Learning Conditionals at LMU Munich (with Karolina Krzyzanowska) (February 2017)

Organizer of the workshop Inferentialism, Bayesianism, and Scientific Explanation at LMU Munich (with Lorenzo Casini, Reuben Stern and Marcel Weber) (January 2017)


Organizer of the workshop Reasoning in Physics at LMU Munich (with Benjamin Eva) (December 2016)

Organizer of the 4th International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics: Understanding Quantum Physics: The Meaning of the Wavefunction, in Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany (with Claus BeisbartDirk-André DeckertDetlef DürrMichael Esfeld, and Christian Wüthrich) (July 2016)

Organizer of the workshop Probabilities in Science and Philosophy (= The First Jerusalem-MCMP Workshop in the Philosophy of Science) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel (with Orly Shenker) (May 2016)

Organizer of the conference MuST 9: Evidence, Inference, and Risk at LMU Munich  (with Mark ColyvanPaul Griffiths, Barbara Osimani, and Jan Sprenger)  (March 2016)


Organizer of the event What Do You Want to Do With That? Answers from Philosophers from Outside the Academy at LMU Munich (with Gregory Wheeler) (October 2015)

Organizer of the symposium Remembering Patrick Suppes at LMU Munich (September 2015)

Organizer of the 3rd International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics: The Ontology of Physics, in Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany (with Claus BeisbartDetlef DürrMichael Esfeld, and Christian Wüthrich) (July 2015)

Organizer of the conference MuST 8: Objectivity in Science at Tilburg University, The Netherlands  (with Matteo ColomboMark ColyvanRaoul Gervais, Paul Griffiths, and Jan Sprenger)  (June 2015)

Organizer of the conference Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning at LMU Munich (with Karolina Krzyżanowska, Michael Waldmann, and Gregory Wheeler) (June 2015)


Organizer of the conference Agent-Based Modeling in Philosophy at LMU Munich (with Lee Elkin, Conor Mayo-Wilson, and Gregory Wheeler) (December 2014)

Organizer of the conference Explanation Beyond Causation at LMU Munich (with Alexander Reutlinger) (October 2014)

Organizer of the conference Decisions, Groups and Networks at LMU Munich (with Catherine Herfeld and Paul Thurner) (September 2014)

Organizer of the MCMP Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students at LMU Munich (with Catherine Herfeld, Hannes Leitgeb, and Kristina Liefke) (July 2014)

Organizer of the 2nd International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics: Probabilities in Physics, in Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany (with Claus Beisbart, Detlef Dürr, Michael Esfeld, Radin Dardashti, and Christian Wüthrich) (July 2014)

Organizer of the conference Imprecise Probabilities in Statistics and Philosophy at LMU Munich (with Thomas Augustin, Seamus Bradley, Marco Cattaneo, and Roland Poellinger), June 2014

Member of the Program Committee of the conference Models and Simulations 6 at the University of Notre Dame, IN, USA (May 2014)

Organizer of the conference Evolutionary Thinking at the University of Sydney, Australia (with Mark Colyvan, Paul Griffiths, and Jan Sprenger) (April 2014)


Organizer of the conference Reduction and Emergence in the Sciences at LMU Munich (with Sebastian Lutz and Karim Thébault) (November 2013)

Organizer of the conference Probabilistic Modeling in Science and Philosophy at the University of Berne, Switzerland (with Claus Beisbart and Christoph Raible) (October 2013)

Member of the Program Committee of the conference EPSA13 in Helsinki, Finnland (August 2013)

Organizer of the conference Foundations of Physics 2013 at LMU Munich (with Detlef Dürr, Mathias Frisch, Christian Joas, Roland Poellinger, and Karim Thébault) (July 2013)

Organizer of the Summer School Physics and Philosophy of Time, in Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany (with Detlef Dürr, Michael Esfeld, and Christian Wüthrich) (July 2013)

Organizer of the workshop Reduction and Emergence in Physics at LMU Munich (with Sebastian Lutz and Karim Thebault) (June 2013)

Organizer of the symposium Wolfgang Stegmüller und die Rückkehr der analytischen Philosophie at LMU Munich (with Hannes Leitgeb und Julian Nida-Rümelin) (June 2013)

Organizer of the conference Models and Decisions at LMU Munich (with Mark Colyvan, Paul Griffiths, Kärin Nickelsen, Roland Pöllinger, Olivier Roy, and Jan Sprenger) (April 2013)


Member of the Program Committee of the conference PSA 2012 in San Diego, USA (November 2012)

Member of the Program Committee of the conference Models and Simulations 5 at the University of Helsinki, Finland (June 2012)

Organizer of the conference Democracy, Legality and Policy at Tilburg University (with Hans Lindahl and Alan Thomas) (May 2012)

Organizer of the conference The Progress of Science at Tilburg University (with Mark Colyvan, Paul Griffiths, and Jan Sprenger) (April 2012)


Organizer of the First Pittsburgh-Tilburg workshop on Formal Epistemology Meets Experimental Philosophy at Tilburg University (with Chiara Lisciandra and Edouard Machery (September 2011)

Organizer of the ESF workshop Philosophy of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Ponta Delgada, The Azores Islands, Portugal (with Dennis Dieks and Greg Wheeler) (September 2011)

Organizer of the conference The Authority of Science at the University of Sydney (with Mark Colyvan, Paul Griffiths, and Jan Sprenger) (April 2011)


Organizer of the workshop Calculation, Intuition and A Priori Knowledge at Tilburg University (with Jan Sprenger) (October 2010)

Organizer of the ESF workshop Pluralism in the Foundations of Statistics at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (with David Corfield) (September 2010)

Member of the Program Committee of the conference Models and Simulations 4 in Toronto, Canada (May 2010)

Organizer of the workshop Scientific Philosophy: Past and Future at Tilburg University (with Hannes Leitgeb and Jan Sprenger) (April 2010)

Organizer of the conference The Future of Philosophy of Science at Tilburg University (with Mark Colyvan, Paul Griffiths, and Jan Sprenger) (April 2010)

Organizer of the conference Models, Simulations and the Reduction of Complexity, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (with Ulrich Gähde and Jörn Henning Wolf) (March 2010)


Chair of the Program Committee of the second conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA09) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (October 2009)

Organizer of the conference Evidence, Science and Public Policy at the University of Sydney (with Mark Colyvan, James Justus, and Jan Sprenger) (March 2009)

Organizer of the conference Models and Simulations 3 at the University of Virginia, USA (with Paul Humphreys and Michael Weisberg) (March 2009)


Organizer of the workshop Formal Modeling in Social Epistemology at Tilburg University (with Carlo Martini and Jan Sprenger) (October 2008)

Organizer of the Workshop Formal Methods in Philosophy at the Sixth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Cracow, Poland (with Hannes Leitgeb) (August 2008)

Organizer of the workshop Pragmatism and Naturalism at Tilburg University (with Maurice Schouten) (May 2008)

Organizer of the conference Reduction and the Special Sciences at Tilburg University (with Mark Colyvan, Maurice Schouten and Katie Steele) (April 2008)


Organizer of the London-Paris-Tilburg Workshops in Logic and Philosophy of Science (with Jacques Dubucs and Roman Frigg) (from 2007)

Organizer of the workshop Idealizations in Science at Tilburg University (with Michael Weisberg) (October 2007)

Organizer of the conference Models and Simulations 2 at Tilburg University (with Roman Frigg and Cyrille Imbert) (October 2007)

Organizer of the workshop Methodological Problems of the Social Sciences at Tilburg University (with Jan-Willem Romeijn) (May 2007)

Organizer of the conference Confirmation, Induction and Science at the London School of Economics (with John Norton) (March 2007)


Member of the Program Committee of the conference PSA 2006 in Vancouver, Canada (November 2006)

Organizer of the conference Models and Simulations at Ecole Normal Superieure, Paris, France (with Roman Frigg and Cyrille Imbert) (June 2006)


Organizer of the workshop Quantum Information – Logical and Epistemological Lessons at the Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon, Portugal (with Amit Hagar) (August 2005)

Organizer of the conference Being Bayesian in a Quantum World at the University of Konstanz (with Carlton Caves, Chris Fuchs and Ruediger Schack) (August 2005)

Organizer of the 4th International Summer School Philosophy, Probability and Physics at the University of Konstanz (with Claus Beisbart) (August 2005)


Organizer of the 1. Paris/London/Konstanz History and Philosophy of Science Colloquium on Formal vs. Historical Accounts of Scientific Theory Change at the Sorbonne, Paris, France (with Pascal Engel) (December 2004)

Organizer of the workshop Philosophy, Probability and Physics at Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (with Guido Bacciagaluppi) (December 2004)

Organizer of the 3rd International Summer School Causality, Uncertainty and Ignorance at the University of Konstanz (with Rolf Haenni) (August 2004)

Organizer of the workshop Bayesian Epistemology at the London School of Economics (with Luc Bovens) (June 2004)

Organizer of the conference Probability in Quantum Mechanics at the London School of Economics (with Roman Frigg) (February 2004)


Organizer of the 2nd International Summer School Philosophy, Probability and the Special Sciences at the University of Konstanz (with Luc Bovens and Gabriella Pigozzi) (July 2003)

Organizer of the workshop Bayesian Epistemology at the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, Austria (with Luc Bovens) (August 2003)

Organizer of the workshop Philosophy and Probability at the Congress of the German Society for Analytical Philosophy in Bielefeld, Germany (with Luc Bovens) (September 2003)

Co-Organizer of the workshop Social Welfare and Inequality: A Meeting with Udo Ebert at the University of Konstanz (with Christoph Fehige and Luc Bovens) (June 2003)


Organizer of the workshop Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science at the University of Konstanz (with Luc Bovens) (November 2002)

Organizer of the 1st International Summer School Philosophy and Probability at the University of Konstanz (with Luc Bovens) (August 2002)

Member of the Program Committee of the 6th Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, Science, Values and Objectivity, at the University of Pittsburgh, USA (October 2002)

Organizer of the workshop Choices and Models at the University of Konstanz (with Luc Bovens) (June 2002)


Member of the Steering Committee of the Summer School Theory of Knowledge, Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw, Poland (August 1997)